Best Dog Breeds for kids

Welcome back to the Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog. Making a decision on what breed of dog to bring into your family is an important one, especially when considering your children. The criteria for determining which breeds make good companions for children is the same no matter which size dog you prefer. Here is some of the characteristics I have found to be important.

  • Good temperament – The dog needs to have a steady, calm and dependable temperament. He also needs to be very tolerant of his young companions. That doesn’t mean such a dog won’t make a good playmate; he’ll simply show good judgment and be careful around the children no matter what’s going on.
  • Sturdy build – Regardless of how big the dog is, he needs to be sturdily built. Children, especially young children, can be a little clumsy and may accidentally trip over the dog or step on him without meaning for it to happen. A heavier-boned dog is less likely to come to harm than a fine-boned toy dog.

Not everyone will agree on the same breed, but the following breeds offer some very good choices. Just keep in mind that there’s no such thing as a cookie cutter breed. Every dog is an individual, and there are good and bad representatives of every breed regardless of their public reputation. It’s up to the adults to evaluate a particular dog’s personality and decide if he will make a good playmate for their children.
Best Small Dog
Generally speaking, most small dogs do not make ideal companions for children because there’s a risk that the animals could be accidentally hurt during play. While this is true to some extent, there are some small dogs that hold their own quite well with kids, and they seem more than happy to do so.

Breeds like Beagles and Bichons are just a couple of examples of smaller dogs that do well with children. Certain Terriers like Norfolks and Border Terriers also have enough energy and common sense to get along well with kids. There’s one small dog breed in particular that seems especially overjoyed to romp with children, and that’s the Chinese Pug.

Pugs are built like small barrels, yet they easily keep up with the action, and they are nearly always ready for adventure and play.

Best Medium Size Dog
Cocker Spaniels have been a long-time family favorite, and Standard Schnauzers and Portuguese Water Dogs also do well with children. However, the Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, displays high intelligence and a tendency to watch over his child companions. These dogs have a natural talent for the sport of agility, so they make awesome playmates for kids.

Best Large Dog
Breeds like Labrador Retrievers and Standard Poodles both make good company for kids. They are sensible, and they love a lot of attention so the kids won’t easily tire them out. Still, there’s another dog that really makes a wonderful family companion, and that’s the Golden Retriever. Steady, loyal and affectionate, the Golden makes a playful yet dependable companion for children.

Best Extra Large Dog
A extra large dog breed may not seem like an obvious choice for a family with children, but the situation can work out quite well if the dog receives training from a young age.

One breed has gained quite a reputation for being good with children, and that’s the Newfoundland. Newfies are extremely gentle dogs, and they have a strong instinct to act as guardians over the children in their family. They aren’t extremely high energy pets, but they do have endurance in their favor. That said, it’s difficult to find a more loyal and loving canine companion for a child.

Even the Best Dog Needs Training
Although all of the breeds listed here make wonderful pets for children, that doesn’t mean adults don’t need to supervise the situation. All dogs benefit from obedience training to help make them the best companions they can be, and children need to be taught the right way to interact with their pets and take care of them. Deal with these issues, and your children just might have many years of wonderful times with their canine companion.

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