Beagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions

hunting hound breedsBeagles: Fantastic Hunters and Loyal Companions

Before adopting a new companion, you should always consider what time you have to devote to a new family member, what activities you will want or be able to have them participate in, and how you will be able to include them in your life. If hunting is a large part of your life, a beagle can be a fantastic companion who will follow you through the woods at four a.m. and maybe even find game you never even noticed. Here are a few reasons why beagles make a great hunting dog along with things to consider about living with and training the breed.


Beagles have been used in hunting since the 16th century in England and possibly even before that. They were bred to be in packs and track and retrieve small game such as rabbits, foxes, deer, and squirrels. Originally there were the Southern and the Northern county beagle that ranged in different sizes and head shapes. Through the years they cross-bred to make the standard beagle we all know today.

With time they have been adopted in other parts of the world as family pets but are still more than happy to go out early in the morning to sniff out some rabbits.


Beagles make fantastic hunting dogs because they are a high-energy breed that is determined to get to their goal be it a rabbit or a ball that went over the fence. These dogs are incredibly optimistic and willing to run outside in the early hours of the morning with you making them perfect for those trying to catch the perfect buck or fox. Beagles can be stubborn, however. Just because you’ve given up the chase doesn’t mean your pet has. Be sure your beagle is well trained before hitting the hunting grounds. This will ensure their safety as well as yours.


These dogs still make wonderful hunting companions and family companions. If properly trained beagles can become a great part of your family. Before adopting a beagle be sure to research his genetics with the breeder. By doing so you may be able to avoid common illnesses that plague the breed such as epilepsy, hypothyroidism, and Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). Making sure your dog is healthy will ensure a long and happy life for your pet and the best hunting buddy for years to come.

After learning about the breed and knowing about your own home life, hopefully you will be able to make an educated decision about adopting your new family member.


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