5 Health Tips For Your Doberman

Doberman Pinschers are excellent family dogs, both protective and affectionate at the same. However, they do require a certain level of care and training to make sure they remain as healthy as possible. Here are five tips to keep your Doberman in good shape for a long time to come:

  1. The first thing you do when you should when you get your Doberman is have it vaccinated against common illnesses and diseases. Just remember that your Doberman puppy will require yearly booster shots to ensure it does not become vulnerable to diseases.
  2. Dobermans are well-known for suffering from cardiomyopathy, a heart disease condition that can strike without warning. Even young- to middle-aged Doberman’s can suddenly die from this disease. Unfortunately, Doberman’s can also suffer from a wide-range of heart diseases, including septal defects, pulmonic stenosis and others. As a result, you should have a veterinarian test your Doberman every year for any sign that something is wrong with its heart.
  3. Properly training your Doberman indirectly relates to maintaining its health. Dobermans are extremely friendly and great around kids. That being said, they are large animals that can harm others if not properly trained. Teach it to obey commands and act appropriately around people, especially children, and you shouldn’t have any uncomfortable moments that make you question your Doberman’s place in your family
  4. Always be on the look out for other diseases that are somewhat common to Dobermans, including an orthopedic disorder called Wobbler’s Disease, which can cause problems in the neck vertebrae of your pet. Von Willebrand’s blood-clotting disease also occurs in Doberman’s more than any other breed, effecting up to 30 percent. Despite this problem, a simple DNA test can let you know whether your Doberman is a carrier.
  5. Finally, there are some tips you can keep in mind to keep your Doberman stress-free and happy, which should improve its health outlook. First, they are big animals that require space and exercise, so make sure you aren’t confining your Doberman to any small spaces. Also keep in mind that Doberman’s are not very tolerant of the cold, so try to keep it warm and even consider purchasing a jacket for long winter walks.

Speak with your veterinarian about other potential ailments your Doberman may suffer from. Just remember, as long as you train your Doberman properly, feed it decent food and give it plenty of exercise, you are well on your way to being an outstanding owner.

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