5 Most Common Health Problems With Dogs

Dog have many different health problems during their lifetime. Five of the most common are ear infections, worms, fleas, skin infections, and obesity. Most dogs suffer from these common health problems as puppies or adult dogs.

Ear Infections are common in most breeds of dogs. Often this is caused by bacteria, ear mites, wax, yeast, and allergies. Signs that a dog has an ear infections is scratching the ears with their paws, shaking their heads, or discharge from the ear. When your dog has an ear infection take them to the vet. They will clean the ears and give you medication to treat the problem. Sometimes surgery is necessary for treatment or strong antibiotics.

Another problem is skin allergies or hot spots that are bare batches of inflamed red skin. This is often caused by a bacterial infection. This causes the dog to scratch and chew until the sore gets larger. Treatment at the vet often involves shaving the area, antibiotics and topical medicines. Treatment of skin allergies often means a special diet and the right medication.

Worms are another common health problems in dogs. There are different types of worms your pet can get. Tapeworms, roundworms, whip worms and roundworms are common in dogs during their lifetime. Worms can make your dog sick and in puppies can be fatal if not treated. The signs your dog or puppy has worms are weight loss despite eating, scooting on his bottom, diarrhea, and having a dull coat. Take your dog to the vet for worms. The different types of worms require different types of medications to heal.

Fleas are another common problem for dogs. It is a condition that they pick up easily. Signs that your pet has fleas is excessive scratching, hair loss, black spots that are called flea dirt in their coat. When you take your dog to the vet treatment often includes medications, shampoos, and sprays.

Another health problem in many dogs is being overweight or obesity. Often dogs that are overfed gain weight and cannot exercise and become very sedentary. This problem is common in older dogs as they age. Sign are weight gain, not exercising, and excess body fat. When you take your pet to the vet for this problem he will focus on diet that reduces calories and and active exercise routine. Walking the dog 15 minutes per day and playing games outside will often be part of the routine.


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