National Pet First Aid Awareness Month (Part 2)

Sick dogWe wanted to continue our post about first aid kits for your pets. Here are a few more ideas you may find useful!

  1. Hand sanitizer

You may not have time to wash your hands before you begin bandaging up your pet. Make sure you have a bottle of hand sanitizer in your kit so you can quickly clean your hands and completely avoid contaminating the wound.

  1. Flashlight

A flashlight can help you find a small shard of glass or any other debris in the wound.

  1. Their medications

Knowing where their medications are at all times will help keep your pet healthy. Keep it in the kit so you will always know where it is.

  1. Clean water (for drinking and cleaning)

Having clean water can be useful for cleaning a wound or giving your animal a drink to calm down.

  1. Pet Tylenol

This can help ease the pain and may make them more cooperative.

  1. Tweezers

Tweezers will work much like the flashlight in that they will help you find small pieces of debris and get it out of the wound. Be sure to be as gentle as possible to avoid any stress put of your pet or bites they may inflict. They don’t want to be mean but they can get defensive when hurt.

  1. Eyewash

If your pet has been skunked or sprayed with a chemical it is best to wash their eyes first. This way you will be able to stop the pain and they will be able to see.

  1. The Cone of Shame

They hate it, your hate putting it on them but it is really important to have one so they do not tug, bite, or hurt their wound while it is healing. It will help them heal quicker and while they don’t understand why they have to look like an inverted lampshade they will be thrilled when the wound heels and they can run around again.



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