3 Tips For Training Your Bernese Mountain Dog

The kindest thing you can do for any pet is to train him well. The most common reason people give when they surrender a dog to a shelter is that they could not control him. Having a well-trained dog also means you can entertain friends and family without worrying about the dog jumping on them, stealing food or just being a general nuisance. This holds true for any dog (or cat), but it is doubly important when the dog in question weighs 120 lbs, and that’s quite possible if you have a Bernese Mountain Dog. Males range from 85 to 120 lbs and females from 70 to 100.

The Two Commandments of Dog Training

  • Start while he’s young and manageable

  • Start from where your dog “is at” In other words, know the characteristics of the breed.

Physical Exercise

Hopefully you’ve already asked the question, “Is my lifestyle and schedule going to allow me to spend quality time with a dog, and answered in the affirmative. Berners, as the breed is known were originally bred as farm dogs. This means they have a lot of energy, and it needs to be burned if you are to have a calm, happy dog. He needs at least two or three on-leash walks while you teach him to walk calmly by your side

Mental Exercise

In their lives on the farm, Berners worked alongside the family, pulling carts or shepherding sheep. They are social dogs. They need stimulating exercise and they need to be around people. When bored or left alone for long periods of time they can become neurotic and destructive. For this reason, socialize him with at least two periods of challenging off-leash play lasting 20 – 30 minutes each. If this can be done in a dog park with other pups, all the better!

Discipline Exercise

Berners are good-natured and self-confident. They are not particularly dominant, which is a good thing, considering their size. Although he has a sensitive temperament, the worst thing you can do to your Berner is treat him like a baby. He needs firm but gentle training to let him know you are alpha in your relationship.

All dogs benefit from puppy school and beyond as a supplement to personal training. but especially a dog of this size. Remember you are not going to be able to pick him up and remove him from a dangerous situation! Reinforce what he learns at school. The homework will do him good

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