3 Little Known Facts About Labrador Retrievers

Lab PuppiesCircus Clowns

Originally produced from breeds originating in Russia, Labs gained popularity through their travels in the circus. A few reasons they were fit for the circus, and later an addition to many families, in America was their patience and affability. Labs are wonderful pets for first-time dog owners because they are patient and eager to work with you. Labs enjoy learning new tasks and commands, and are happy to get through the beginning stages of training with you.

Because they were sociable and loyal, Labs also made personable performers. During their time in the circus it was essential for them to greet and entertain customers. Being able to do tricks for visitors and allowing children to pet them helped the breed gain a wonderful personality. Now Labs have an advantage because they can become socialized quickly and rarely have issues with others.


Labs can shed a massive amount of hair over time if they are not brushed everyday. If you are adopting a puppy, be sure to get them accustomed to being brushed daily so they will have a good attitude about it as they age. For older dogs, begin brushing them lightly everyday in spots that are not sensitive. If they behave give them a piece of kibble as a treat, but if they growl stop and leave them alone. Be sure you also find a brush that is soft enough it will not pull their hair, but strong enough to get all the leaves and twigs he or she brings home.

Monthly grooming may not be necessary for this breed, but you will still want to have them groomed bi-annually so their coat and skin stay healthy.

Easily Amused

To keep your pup entertained you will want to have enough toys around. Because they were trained to retrieve prey after gaining they love to have some sort of goal or something to hold. To keep boredom at bay always have their favorite ball, sock, or toy for them. They will feel like they have completed their job and may appear more relaxed.

Lab retrievers are sweet, loving dogs who adore being around their family. They are always happy to learn something new, and will be patient with you no matter how flustered you get during a training session. If you decide to adopt a puppy be sure it is from a reputable breed, or adopt an older pup from your local shelter.

Source: http://dogtime.com/dog-breeds/golden-retriever

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