3 Little Known Facts About Labrador Retrievers

labrador retrieverGentle Jaws

Because labs are game retrievers they can hold prey in their mouth without damaging the meat or pelt. They can even hold an egg in their mouth without cracking it. Labs enjoy the responsibility given to them by having prey or a toy in their mouth. It means you trust them with important objects and a lab will do whatever they can to preserve something that is dear to you. This is why labs, and mammals in general, will hold their offspring in their mouth. Labs have even been known to rescue small, human babies without harming them or breaking their skin.

Bark is Just as Rare as Their Bite

Labs typically have a mild temperament and because of that do not feel incredibly territorial or feel the need to bark. If trained properly they will not bark too often when company comes or they see possible prey. They will still remain a good watchdog for possible intruders. To train your lab to bark less, be sure to use positive reinforcement. It will help them understand what you want and they will see that they will be rewarded. You will want to train them with treats or bits of kibble to keep their attention. Socializing your pet during puppyhood, or when you first adopt them is important. It will help them understand that your loved ones are safe and they should feel comfortable in their new home. You will need to have patience and, luckily for you, labs will have endless amounts of patience for you.

Need to be Needed

This breed has been bred to be around humans their entire lives. Taking them away or leaving them outside can be very detrimental to their well being. If you adopt a lab you must be prepared to spend a lot of time with your new friend. Labs thrive around humans and feel best in a family setting where there is always someone to be with or to spend time. Be sure that when you adopt a lab for the first month or two you will be able to spend the majority of your time with them. This will help them become comfortable with their surroundings and with your family. You will also want to socialize your pet with your family and those who are often in your home. They will be able to remain calm in the presence of others and will be a happy addition to your home.

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