3 Little Known Facts About Cockapoos

3 Little Known Facts About Cockapoos

Cockapoos have always been a sweet and happy addition to any family or the perfect best friend for any apartment dweller. These guys are always trying to find ways to cheer you up or get you to play. If you’re thinking about getting a cockapoo for you or your family you may want to read these facts to make the best decision.

First designer dog

Cockapoos were created in the 1960s and are considered the first designer dog. Since then they have paved the way for other breeds to be considered designer dogs and they are now working to become the first designer dog to become a purebred. There are several organizations within the U.S. and around the world working to get cockapoos recognized as a purebred dog because of their influence in the canine world and the breeders work to make the bloodline more pure and healthier.

Not bred for looks

If you ask responsible breeders about the breed they will tell you these dogs were bred for health and temperament instead of looks. While it is a happy coincidence that they are utterly adorable they were meant to be the perfect dog for children, elderly, therapy, and families. This means they are patient, understanding, and more than happy to forgive quickly and adapt. While they may have the patience of a saint, however, you will want to teach the little ones how to care for your newest family member. No one needs his or her tail or ears pulled.

Good for the couch potato

While other designer dogs are incredibly high energy cockapoos only need 15 or more minutes of exercise a day. This doesn’t mean you can just throw your sneakers behind the couch (your cockapoo will just bring them back and think it’s fetch) but they will be perfectly happy napping or watching a movie with you after going out for a long walk or a nice run around the block. It will help you stay a bit more active and help them stay healthy and happy.

If you’re thinking about adopting a dog always be aware of local shelters that may have your breed available. Don’t be afraid to sign onto email newsletters or possible notifications. If that does not work you can always consider a reputable breeder who is willing to answer any questions and is open to referring you to former buyers and happy dog owners.



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