3 Little Known Facts About American Bullys


bully puppyAmerican bullys are lovable, patient, good-hearted dogs that are happy to just be near you and love to go where adventure takes them. They are wonderful dogs for a small family provided they help their bully get plenty of socialization and training. Bullys are sweet animals but can easily become top dog if not kept in check. Luckily this can be done relatively easily as long as you research the breed before adoption and pay attention to your new friend’s behavior. Here are a few uncommon facts that may help you as well.

Bulked Up

Unfortunately some breeders will inject their dogs with steroids to make them appear more muscular. This can harm them later in life because as the dog’s muscles shrink their organs and joint become weaker and undergo a lot of stress. Steroids may also be passed down from mother to puppy while she is in the womb or breastfeeding. This can be incredibly detrimental for the entire litter and the mother because the puppies will struggle to gain strength naturally and the mother will not be able to heal normally after birth. If you decide to adopt a bully pup be sure it is from a reputable breeder that is drug-free. It will be better for you and your dog.

Living in the City

While bullys are incredibly energetic dogs, they can live in small apartments if necessary. This does require your pet get a brisk, long walk everyday and a good game of fetch before or after. You may also want to crate train your bully so they feel as though they have their own space within your close quarters. This will give them a place to go when they are stressed and may save your leather shoes from an untimely fate.

Squeaky Clean

They are also great for apartments because they have short hair that does not require a lot of grooming. This means you do not have to worry about hair all over your apartment or ripping your bathroom apart every time you need to give them a bath. Be sure that if you are going to have an American bully you have a well-working vacuum cleaner and patience. They are relatively clean but your home will still need upkeep.

American Bullys are wonderful dogs and they are much smarter than many give them credit. If you treat them well and give them plenty of love and affection they will be the best friend you’ve ever had.

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