3 Little Known Facts About American Bulldogs

Love Socialization

Bulldogs are not the same bulldogs shown in Tom and Jerry cartoons. These animals love to be around people and would rather do anything but mope all day in a doghouse. Though they can become lethargic they adore playing with their family and finding new adventures. That being said they often socialize with other pets and humans best in an environment they are comfortable. If you’ve adopted a puppy they will love having visitors over in their new home but may become shy in public places such as the park. If you take them out for socialization be sure that you are by their side at all times. That way they have someone they can lean on and run to when they are done making friends.

Go For a Run

Despite being somewhat of a couch potato bulldogs love to run around with their owners and let off some steam. By exercising regularly you will have a calmer, obedient dog who will not feel the need to rip everything apart when they become antsy or begin marking your home when you’re gone. Because of their short legs, large torso, and possible breathing issues be sure to keep walks shorter, ten to 20 minutes, and if you take them out longer or on a hike make sure you have plenty of water at the ready and even a few treats to coax them back home. Otherwise you may be carrying him or her the rest of the way.

They Love to Learn

Like many dogs, bulldogs love to be challenged and to make their owner happy. By teaching them simple commands and then growing in difficulty from there your pooch will be thrilled and will understand what you expect. You can also take it a step further and work with them through dog parks. By working through courses at the park they will be able to think on their paws and have better critical thinking. Bulldogs’ focus weighs heavily on the reward so be sure to bring plenty of kibble to hand over as treats. If not you may have a dog that will lie down and take a nap in the middle of the training session.

Bulldogs are lovable, sweet, genuine animals that are always happy to be by your side and work with you to make everyday like a day at the park. If you give them plenty of affection and patience, they will be your best friend for life.




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