3 Little Known Facts About Akbash puppies

Akbash puppy


Akbash puppies: Perfect dog for any rural family


Akbash is a 3,000 year-old breed that was originally bred in Turkey to herd sheep and cattle and protect the homestead. These dogs are incredibly loyal to their family and livestock. If you are thinking about adopting an Akbash puppy here are a few facts you may not know about the breed.

Don’t Reach Full Size for Three Years

When you bring your Akbash puppy home they are adorable little fluff balls of joy. They will however quickly grow to be at least 130 pounds and much, much taller than you on their hind legs. When you are training keep in mind that they will be growing for three years and need to be trained to be aware of their size. Without doing so they may unwittingly harm others because of their size or damage property. You will also want to make sure your home and family is ready for a new puppy. Make sure fragile pieces of furniture are secure and safe and that your family is fully aware of what to expect. Be sure to teach your children the commands you want to teach your dog before adoption. That way they can use them quickly and confidently.

Couch Potatoes

Despite their size and strength these dogs enjoy relaxing with their family and are more than happy to sit and watch a movie marathon with you. This may be difficult for those who are often stationary themselves. Both you and your new pooch will be content sitting and relaxing but to keep your new friend happy and healthy they will need plenty of time outside and a nice, long walk at least once a day. While they can be found napping outside a large amount of time you will still want to put a five foot fence around your property to keep them safe. So save your Sci-Fi marathon for after a nice run or bike ride and be sure to have a nice game of fetch before or after. Then you both will definitely have earned a quiet night in.

Need a Job

Akbashes need to be occupied with a job that helps you, your family, or the livestock in their care. This could mean watching your children while they play in the yard, checking the perimeter of your property, or simply watching after you as you go through your day. This will help them understand that you are the pack leader and that they are a useful and worthy part of your home.




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