3 Little Known Facts About Airedale Terriers


An Airedale is part of the terrier breed and makes a fantastic family dog. This breed is medium energy, which is perfect for playing with the kids or running around in the woods. Before adopting be sure to research any rescues and breeders extensively so you can prepare for your new friend as much as possible.


Holds grudges


Unlike other dogs Airedales do not put up with mistreatment. After being mistreated by an owner they will be less likely to trust you or obey commands unless they can understand the end result. Be sure to show your new friend respect and have clear needs and jobs for your pooch. This will strengthen the bond you have together and build trust so as they grow and you become a better owner they will be more than willing to follow you wherever you go.


If you are adopting a rescue Airedale give them plenty of time and patience while training. Help them settle into their new home with their own space and give them plenty of time to run around your property to explore and learn about their surroundings. Giving them plenty of time to learn and become acquainted with their new home will make them more comfortable and eager to trust you.


Always a Puppy


Airedales maintain their mischievous and happy disposition even into old age. They will always be happy to romp with the kids in the neighborhood and steal a dirty shirt from the hamper to play tug of war. This can be incredibly endearing but be sure to set clear limitations when they are young. That way you’re playing fetch or tug of war with an old t-shirt, not your antique silk dress.


Be sure to also give them plenty of exercise. Taking them for a hike or a run is perfect to keep them healthy, puppy-like, but still obedient and calm. This will also give them a chance to socialize with other dogs and people, which will make them more comfortable around invited guests in your home.


A bit of a Hoarder


This breed loves to have keepsakes from their family to store in their hiding places for later. Be sure to keep things you cannot live without out of reach from your dog and explain this to your children. If you are going away on vacation without your pooch, however, be sure to leave a sock or pair of shorts in the hamper so your dog can steal it when they miss you most.

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