10 basic needs of a Puppy

As any place with Puppies for sale will tell you, a new pet can be quite an investment, both financially and time wise as well. Here are just a few basic things that your new friend needs.

  1. Clean and fresh water: A dog, much like us, prefers clean, cool water to drink. Proper hydration is a key to good health.
  2. High Protein food: A protein rich food is very good to promote a healthy coat, and proper skeletal growth in your puppy.
  3. Hard foods only: In a later piece, I will be discussing the effect of Gum disease in dogs. Wet food can be a contributor to this if the animals teeth are not properly cleaned. Hard food helps keep the pup’s teeth clean and healthy.
  4. Regular Visits to the Vet: Making sure that your furry friend has all of the shots needed and is healthy is very important.
  5. Chew toys: Puppies love to chew, make sure they have approved toys and such to do so.
  6. Regular Grooming: Brushing your pet may seem like a chore, but I can tell you it is a need to keep you and your animal happy. Not to mention a dog considers grooming a way of you showing affection, which is good.
  7. Training: Training your puppy is a great bonding experience. And praise, love, and attention is a basic need.
  8. Exercise: Taking daily walks is healthy for you and spot, so enjoy a nice stroll!
  9. Sleep: When a puppy is zonked, let it that way! A puppy’s sleep is important for proper growth and mood. Would you wake up a sleeping 2 year old to play ball at 12:00 am?
  10. Love: This is the most important one of all. You have achieved the impossible, you have found unconditional love! This animal will be at your side, thick and thin for the next 8+ years of your life, all he wants is for you to do the same.

I hope this list has been of some help, you can check out our main page by clicking here

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