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Labrador Retriever-Black Breed Review by gabrielle
love this breed and also have a puppy black lab
Labrador Retriever-Black Breed Review by Victoria Metcalf
We brought home a black lab puppy from Ivan King, he is now named Bear was 9 weeks old , by the end of the first week of him being in my home I had him following commands like sit and down .Super intelligent dog and very laid back since Ivan breeds the more english style lab than american/field lab.Love our puppy would definitely recommend the breeder and the breed.Ivan has black labs and yellow look him up, you will not be dissapointed in the pups or the way he cares for them.Good breeder!
Labrador Retriever-Black Breed Review by Lily
Love breed
Labrador Retriever-Black Breed Review by Jynessa
SWEETEST THING! My\'n is named Hope, and she is SOOOO good with everyone! She brings joy into our life. SO easy to train.
Labrador Retriever-Black Breed Review by Ashley R.
Maximus, our black Labrador retriever was the best dog we ever had. He was obedient, easy to train, loyal and friendly. I would recommend a lab to anyone with an active family. Great with children. Labs need plenty of exercise and are very curious. As long as you meet the needs of the dog, he or she will meet the needs of the family.
Labrador Retriever-Black Breed Review by Rebecca Dittrich
I owned a black lab for 13 years. We got "Shorty" as a puppy, he was only a few weeks old. He was a Christmas present for my then two young so s of ages 3 and 11 and our Shorty was the very best gift any of us have ever received. He was our best friend our shadow as he followed those kids every where they went. He would wait everyday at the end of the driveway for my youngest son to get off the school bus. He was our protector, he was our everything. We loved him with all our hearts. Shorty spent 13 years with us, never chewing anything up, never begged for our plates, we could even sit a plate of food in front of him and leave the room , come back and he would never touch it, oh but he sure loved it when we shared our many many dinners with him. You couldn\'t ask for a better friend a more loyal dog nor a better protector. We lost him this past Friday and our hearts have a hole that feels like will never be filled again. I say if you are looking for a great dog then you cannot go wrong in buying a lab. If yours turns out to be half as great as our Shorty boy you will fall in love instantly and your family will be complete.