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Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Titinishia Solomon
I just love him it's a little hard to get him to do what I want but all in time he is my big baby (Thor) so if anyone has any surjection on training please feel free to give your opinion
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by sharon
i love the breed but they don't have along life. we lost our liliy at 7, and we fought so hard to make her better.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Madeline McDowell
This breed is a great medical dog and family dog, they'er protective of there owner, if there's someone who's new and the dog has never met them bark when ther walking to you're house or apartment to let you know that someone's there, it's help full if your having a party at your home they'll bark and you'll look what they'er barking at
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Terry Reilly
Back in early August I begged my dad for a bernese and he finally caved in. We got ours from looking on this website and I absolutely love my bernese he is 11 months now he is the most friendliest dog out there. It says obedience training is recommended but I'm 15 years old and I trained him all by myself and he is very intelligent. He loves to learn new things and I would highly recommend getting a Bernese cause they are the most loving dog out there
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Harold Thorne
I like your puppy's do you have any puppy that are not AKC.I have owned two Bernese Mountain Dogs, one male AKC and the other female, which just passed away New Years Eve, had her for 11 years. I am looking for another puppy or young dog of this breed.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by caleb
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Karlie
I bought my first bernese almost a year and a half ago. She is by far the best dog I have ever owned. I raised golden retrievers for 15 years before I looked into a bernese mountain dog. I will never have any other breed. They are loyal like a golden retriever with a lot more personality. They are goofy and sweet and extremely gentle and intelligent. My female was completely potty trained within two weeks of getting her at eight weeks. She had sit, speak, lay down, stay, come, and don\'t touch that down within the first month. Now she listens to me just with hand signals. They would make excellent service dogs as they are a little bigger to reach things and they are very loyal, confident around strangers, and easily trained. I highly recommend this breed for families as well. They are loyal without being too overprotective with strangers and such. They only real downsize (as long as you don\'t mind the shedding) is that they have a shorter life expectancy than a lot of other breeds.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Dianne Charron
There is no sweeter dog than a Bernese Mountain Dog. They are very loyal. trusting and loving. They are wonderful with children. They are very gentle but can knock over toddlers by accident. They easy to groom as they do not need to be clipped. The only drawback is shedding. If you don\'t mind vacuuming daily...and an occasional hair in your butter...this is a perfect dog!
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by korki
I just would like to know if they can become a wonderful service dog? I am physicaly disabled, but still also can walk. I ride a scooter to go to the store n which the dog would go also yto help me with things i can not reach well. Some balance ect. Are they good for this and how easy are they to train? Will be done by me in a training place. Do you suggest this breed for that reason? Thanks!