Country of Origin: Tibet
  • Prey Drive: low

Tibetan Mastiff Dog Breed Information



Owner Experience



Activity Level


Life Span

The Tibetan Mastiff is a Guardian Dog that has been charged with the security of a herd, village, or family for over 3,000 years. They are strong willed and protective dogs, and will be reserved with Strangers. Make sure they are trained and socialized at an early age, as this is of great importance. They can make great family dogs, but only when an experienced dog owner understands the importance of establishing rational Alpha leadership with his dog.

This breed is not ideal for apartment living. The Tibetan Mastiff will enjoy a large area to roam and a cool environment. Cooler climates are preferable as this breed does no do well in hot weather. They are okay with some alone time since they are a very independent-minded breed.

This dog is a powerhouse with a good deal of intelligence, but can also be a stubborn one at times. The Tibetan Mastiff is not recommended for a novice owner.

Tibetan Mastiffs are usually somewhat healthier than other large dog breeds. One concern is joint health because of their size. Many of these issues can be somewhat ruled out with genetic screening of the parents.

This breed can use a good daily brushing as they have a very thick winter coat and will shed quite a bit. mGet your dog used to tooth brushing and nail clipping early, because this is a breed you do not want to struggle with when it is full grown.

For a large breed, the Tibetan Mastiff has a pretty high energy level. They are very playful with their family and can be quite excitable. Be sure not over exert this breed, since they will tire more quickly than a sporting breed.

The Tibetan Mastiff will stand from 24 to 30 inches tall and weigh between 75 and 160 pounds.

10-12 years