Are Dachshunds really an aggressive breed?


DachshundDachshunds are headstrong, sweet, loving pups that are focused on the task at hand. Because of their stature they can be very defensive and have been known to nip and bite people when they feel threatened. They can, however, be wonderful companions and if given a good diet, plenty of exercise and training. Here are a few tips to train your dachshund properly so they will have plenty of happy and healthy stress free years with you and your family.


Socialization is important for any pet. This will help them be comfortable in many situations and will keep them from becoming violent or defensive in new settings. When your new friend comes home be sure to introduce them to your family in a quiet and comfortable situation. This will help them understand that they can relax and feel safe in their home. From there you will want to introduce friends and family to your dog in the home. This way they will feel safe with their surroundings as they meet new people. You will also want to do the same with other animals. This way they will feel safe with many species. After that you can begin to take them outside for walks without more contact. If need be you may want to have a small vest on them that says, “Do not pet.” That way even if someone goes to pet your pup without asking they will have plenty of warning.


You will want to train with positive reinforcement but you will also want to train with regularity and a stern voice. This way your pup will not get confused from the commands and will always know what is expected of him or her. You should also have a treat bag with you containing small pieces of kibble. That way you will always have a reward for good behavior or something to hold their attention if need be.


Pets need to have regularity in their life. This way they know when they can go out, when they will be fed and that you will always come home. Try to have a set schedule with your pet so both of you know what is expected. It will make your life and theirs much easier.