National Pet Preparedness Month.

Safe DogThis month, timed for the first month of hurricane season, urges people with pets to make preparations in case they should be hit by a disaster. That includes making plans for what you would do with your dog in case of a hurricane, tornado, flood or other natural disaster. Here are a few thing you may need or want to consider to prepare your furry friend for a natural disaster.




10-day supply of food and water

Medications for dogs

First aid kit (this can be the kind you purchase at any general store)

Leash and collar

Flea and tick treatment

Pictures of your family with your pooch on their collar with your info (so you can be reunited)

Pet carrier

Comfort items like their favorite toy or blanket




Like the rest of your family your pet should become familiar with your preparedness plan. Help them become comfortable in their pet carrier or on a leash if they are not used to being drawn or carried. You can do this by placing them in the carrier or on the leash periodically. Like every other family member you should run through the drill in its entirety with your pet involved. This will keep them calm if and when you will have to use the plan and they will not be surprised or anxious by the changes in surroundings.


You should make sure there is procedure within your preparedness plan to get your pet to safety. Have one or two people within the home responsible for your pet’s safety. They should know all the materials your pet needs and where to find them in your home. What to do if the pet is separated and how to keep your pet calm during preparation or evacuation.


Stay Calm


Your pet can sense when you are nervous or stressed out. Be on alert during an emergency but try to keep a level head. This will help your pet stay calm and safe throughout the ordeal and it may actually help you. To stay calm make sure you and your pet are sufficiently hydrated. You should also pack bug out bags and other materials ahead if possible.

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