National Train Your Dog Month

train your dogThis month is national dog training month so we wanted to offer a few tips and tricks to help Fido figure out sit, stay, and fetch without all the stress that can come with it.

What You Need

Treats and treat bags are wonderful incentives for your dog to listen and obey. You do not need to invest in a whole box of Milk Bones, simply keep a bag of kibble on hand and give them small pieces as a reward. They will love it and be even more eager to learn.

Just a few minutes (five to 30) will be just enough time for you and your dog to learn without being overwhelmed or becoming restless. If the dog is a puppy you will be able to have longer sessions because they will have more energy. Adult or senior dogs will need more time in between sessions to absorb the lesson and rest.

Patience is a necessary trait you must have when training your dog. Try your best not to get frustrated and if you do understand it is time for a break. Your pet is doing their best to make you happy, don’t discourage them. On that note you will also want to have a positive attitude. Encouraging them with your attitude will keep them focused and excited about the task at hand. One tip to take with you during training is to never say their name in a harsh tone. They will associate that word with negativity and grow anxious when called.


Before beginning any training session, try to take away as many distractions as possible. This way your pooch will only be able to focus on you and the commands you are trying to communicate.

“Watch me” should be the first command you teach your pup because it is telling the to focus on you and what you want. This way they will not be distracted or overwhelmed. They will be able to concentrate on the task at hand.

The next command you will want to teach is, “sit.” While it may seem simple and silly it can actually keep your dog safe if need be. Often the command is used to keep dogs from barking or jumping on company when entering your home but can also be used if they have left your property or could be in a dangerous situation like about to cross a road or going into a stranger’s yard. Whatever the purpose the command is incredibly useful.

Now that you have two basic commands necessary for your dog and a few ideas on how to train try it out and see what you think. If you are still hesitant you will want to find help from a dog trainer within your community.


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