3 Little Known Facts About Akitas

Akita Puppies



High Maintenance: The True Akita is a Diva


ā€œIā€™m so bored that couch looks tasty,ā€ and other unknown aspects you may not know about Akitas


Not for first time pet owners


The Akita is a wonderful family dog that loves to care for and protect their loved ones no matter what. They can be, however, very willful dogs and are not easy to train unless you know the breed and have some experience training before hand. Those who are interested in adopting a new Akita puppy be sure to be patient with your new friend and read plenty of research so you can train them properly. You may also want to consider possible obedient classes. It can help you and your new pet become more acquainted with one another and solidify that you are the pack leader and the one in charge.


Gets bored easily


Akitas are incredibly intelligent and can become bored easily if left to their own devices. This can cause damage to your property or harm to yourself and others. It may seem malicious but the dog is just unsure of what to do when left alone. A good way to combat this is by giving them hobs to do throughout the day. Have to go to work? Give them a puzzle toy where they are rewarded with a treat when they break the code. Going away for the weekend? Make sure the pet sitter has a list of toys, games, and other objects that they and your dog can play with while youā€™re away.




These beautiful dogs often clean themselves to avoid any matting or dreading in their fur. Though this makes sense to the dog it also means that your home will almost always be covered in dog hair no matter whom many vacuum cleaners you go through. To avoid this be sure to wash your Akita every month or twice a month. This will keep their coat clean and your family happy.


Akitas are stunning, loyal, and sweet animals that can make a wonderful addition to any active family who loves running, hiking, and doesnā€™t mind being covered in a thin layer of dog hair at all times. Before adopting be sure to do plenty of research before hand so you can prepare your family and your friends for the new part of the pack. If treated well your Akita will follow suit.





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