Why Won’t My Dog Eat?

Why Does My Dog Refuse Food?

When your dog does not eat the food you put in front of them, it may just be more than them being picky eaters. Your dog may be sick, nervous, or in new surroundings which may cause them to be reluctant to eat. Luckily this can be treated relatively easily with a veterinarian trip, training, or simply giving your dog some time. Unless your dog is losing weight, vomiting, or unable to control their bowels (if so, you should take your pet to the veterinarian immediately), they may just need time and your understanding.


The worst possibility is that your dog could be getting sick. If this is the case they may be displaying other symptoms such as vomiting, excessive bowel movements, apathy, or tiredness. If these symptoms are showing you will want to seek medical attention for your pet as well as a possible diet change. If they are sick and unwilling to eat you may want to try giving them scheduled feedings of wet dog food or handmade dog food from food in your home (veggies, meats, etc.) this could improved their well-being and even help them feel better in the long run.

New surroundings

If you have recently moved to a new location, you dog may not feel comfortable and be nervous to eat or participate in regular activities. If this is the case be patient with them. You may want to schedule earlier and more frequent feeding times with smaller meals. This will let them know that food is not scarce and they do not have to worry about it disappearing. You can also spend more time one on one with your dog, which may make them, feel more at home. As you unpack your bedroom, begin unpacking their toys and dog bed. This will show your furry friend that you’re not going anywhere and it is safe for them to settle down and relax.

Vaccinations or surgery

After surgery or borage of vaccinations, your pet may not have the same appetite you’re used to. If this is the case let your veterinarian know as soon as possible and see if this could lead to any permanent or detrimental side effects. If your dog will be safe according to their veterinarian, then patience is the best response. If your pet is scared after a surgery or injection, don’t be afraid to sit and watch a movie next to your dog. It will comfort them to know you are there for them. Also make sure they stay well hydrated. This will help keep fluids moving and they will feel better.

New person/owner

If you’re adopting an older dog or rescue, they may be wondering where their old house is or what happened to their family. This can be an incredibly scary moment for a dog and you must be supportive. This is another good time to just spend sitting near or next to your new friend to reassure them that you’re here for them. Making smaller more frequent meals will also encourage the dog to eat.

Different food

Sometimes dogs are just picky. If that is the case you may want to try mixing dog food in with other goodies they like such as veggies, meat, or gravy. It is not uncommon for a dog to eat around the dog food, however. If this is the case you may want to consider experimenting with different brands and flavors. This will help you find the perfect food for them.

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