Dog Allergies and Spring Time: What To Do To Help Your Pooch

springtime dog allergyPut Down The Tissues: Dealing with Spring Time Dog Allergies

Spring Cleaning

Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. Dog hair and dander can get into the strangest places in your home. When you have a animal it is good to dust once a week and vacuum about three times a week. By maintaining a clean and clutter free home will help keep allergens at bay and will make your home that much more comfortable to be in. You may also want to avoid using air fresheners that are in aerosol cans. These can help dust and pet dander stick to surfaces and carpet.

More Spring Cleaning

Now that your home is clean you will want to make sure your furry friend is regularly brushed and groomed. Before scrubbing your dog make sure you go to your vet and find out what the best bathing regiment for the breed will be (it can depend on their coat, activities, and age). You will also want to brush your pet as often as possible. Unless they are nipping at you and growling, try to make it a nightly ritual to prepare for bed. While you’re watching Catfish snuggle up with your dog and give them a good combing. Your pet with love the time they get to spend with you and it may help you stop sniffling.

Natural Remedies

There are plenty of ways to naturally ease allergy symptoms without having to get a prescription (though I would recommend it). If you find that you’re always stuffy try using a steam with eucalyptus essential oil and water. Simmer water in a pot on your stove. Then put two to five drops of eucalyptus essential oil into the water. Place a towel over your head and the pot to trap the vapors and breathe deeply. This may help alleviate some of the congestion.

Drinking nettle tea early on in spring may also help keep allergies manageable. By starting to drink it daily in March or April, you may see a difference in your symptoms when they start to kick in. You may also want to add sage to your tea to help dry your sinuses so you’re not constantly trying to find tissues or nasal spray.

If you get a rash or skin irritation after petting your dog you may want to invest in some lavender lotion. Make sure it contains lavender essential oil as well as an all-natural base. This will nourish and cool the irritation so you will be able to cuddle up to your pet without worry.

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