Why Should You Adopt a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier?

soft coated wheaten terrierAmong your many concerns about a new dog being brought into your home, key among them has to be whether or not it will trigger your allergies. You know that most dogs shed and therefore can make your entire home a nightmare of allergic reactions: sneezing, coughing, sinus headaches, hives, and more can all results from your allergies being triggered. You could take antihistamine pills, but those can leave you feeling zonked out and zombified; no, you’re far better off in the long-term by avoiding dogs that will set your allergies off. That means choosing a dog to adopt who is hypoallergenic; some breeds are specifically meant to avoid setting off your allergies, wonderfully enough! The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier is a great example of exactly that kind of breed!

What’s So Great About Them?

Physically, you can tell that this breed has a Terrier background; it is strong, fast, and physically quite well-controlled, with great reflexes and lots of endurance. You can tell that it is a Terrier thanks to its trademark jaw and the way it holds itself. Also true of many Terriers, this breed is incredibly friendly and playful, as it gets along very well with children, other human beings, and other dogs. Of course, just as with most dogs, this breed needs a certain degree of socialization if it is going to behave appropriately with you and your family, but you can turn your Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier into a watch dog, a family companion, or just a plain old happy puppy, as per your needs, so long as you train him/her correctly!

Avoid Your Allergies

These breeds are definitely remarked upon for the energy that they bring into the home every day. Playful and with a strong need for exercise, the Terrier can end up eating up a lot of your time if you don’t have someone to share the responsibility of raising this dog with. They require regular obedience training when young if they’re to properly internalize appropriate behavior.

Yet it’s all worth it when you can get such a wonderful, reliable companion who is also great for your allergies thanks to a severe lack of shedding. Maintain the dog’s hygiene to ensure that allergies never become an issue, and you’ll have yourself a hypoallergenic dog that is obedient, friendly, intelligent, and spirited – a dog anyone would be proud to call theirs!

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