Why the Barrel of Brandy for a St. Bernard?

St. Bernard with brandy barrelThe Saint Bernard is an iconic breed, made all the more so by the film Beethoven; certainly, it is our exposure to media that has made certain breeds, such as the Golden Retriever or the Collie, a popular breed choice for families and homes. Yet the Saint Bernard isn’t just depicted in Beethoven. In fact, the breed enjoyed an earlier depiction as a rescue dog in snowy, inhospitable weather. Specifically, we always see this depiction of the rescue-Saint Bernard as having a barrel of brandy on their collar; what’s up with that?

The Saint Bernard and Brandy History

In 1049, Bernard of Menthon built a hospice at the top of a temple in the Swiss Alps for weary travelers passing through this dangerous area. Monks looked after the hospice and the guests there, as well as guiding those who passed through and leading search and rescue teams for travelers who had become lost or injured on their journey. It’s thought that the dogs first arrived in the 16th or 17th century; with their incredible strength, water-resistant coats, great sense of smell, and endurance, the dogs made great companions for guides and rescue work.

The Shocking Truth!

That doesn’t explain the barrels, but there’s a reason for that – they never had ‘em! The barrels were an invention of the artist Edwin Landseer. In 1820, Landseer, who was at the time merely a 17 year old English painter, produced a painting that showed two Saint Bernards standing over a traveler who had fallen in the snow; one of the dogs had a barrel strapped around its neck, containing brandy. The concept became popular with the masses, despite the lack of truth in the image, and so today that’s what we associate with them!

The truth is that today the Saint Bernard is a great and trustworthy companion for anyone or any family. They are nonviolent but protective, strong but not overwhelming in their energy, reliable, intelligent, and obedient. If you are looking for the kind of dog who would come and find you in a snow storm, then the Saint Bernard is for you, brandy or no.

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