How Dogs Handle the Hottest of Seasons

Summer is here, and it promises to be a hot one. With such a harsh, cold winter behind us, that can be rather comforting, but for some, summer can be a rough time – for dog owners especially. Your dog, after all, doesn’t have the benefit of sweating or the ability to turn up the air conditioning when they’re feeling especially hot; they just have to deal with it. As such, the summer can be a dangerous time for dogs, as there is chance of a dog overheating and becoming seriously ill. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to ensure that your dog is healthy, happy, and comfortable throughout the summer…

  1.       Exercise Regularly and Early (or Late!)

Your dog will still need to exercise throughout the summer. Despite the heat, they need to burn calories, stretch their muscles, and just plain run – as with any other time of the year! Storing up all that energy can get them fat and lazy, not to mention straight-up unhealthy. But exercising during the midday or when the temperature is at its hottest is usually a bad idea; this exposes the dog to more heat than necessary. By moving your exercise time for your dog to the morning or night, you target the coolest hours of the day for your dog’s activity. This keeps them healthy and fit!

  1.       Water is Life!

Of course, the other way to combat heat and dehydration during the summer for your dog is to ensure that they stay hydrated! First, you want to keep an eye out to make sure that they aren’t experiencing dehydration; if your dog is lethargic and slow-moving, if his/her eyes are bloodshot, or if their skin takes longer to fall back into place on being lifted, they may be dehydrated. Carry a bottle of water when going for a walk to provide emergency water while you’re out!

  1.       Trust Your Dog

Your dog will know if the weather outside is the kind of weather they want to be in. When preparing to go for a walk or go play, let your dog take a step outside and get a sense of whether or not it is too hot, too wet, too cold, or too *whatever* for them to go out. They will shorten their walk or even turn right around and head back inside if necessary.

Your dog is smarter than many people give it credit for, but he or she will need your help to stay healthy, hydrated, and fit this summer. Just be prepared and trust your dog to make the right decisions for him/herself, and all will be well!

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