Why Do Some Dogs Slobber More Than Others?

Dog Breeds who Normally Drool Excessively

There are some breeds of dogs that are prone to drool more than other breeds of dogs. Dogs that have large hanging loose lips and jowls are likely to drool a good deal more than other breeds of dogs. Some of these breeds are the boxer, bulldogs, mastiffs, Saint Bernard and hound dogs. This is just the natural anatomy of the dog breed. When a consumer falls in love with one of these breeds of dog, they must know that they are purchasing a breed that usually drools excessively.

All dogs drool to some extent, reason being, the salivary glands secrete fluids that help the dog lubricate foods while they are eating, and aid in the dog’s digestion process.

Excessive Drooling is Not Always Normal

While excessive drooling in dogs can be healthy, drooling can also mean a medical problem is present. Some of these problems can be dental in nature such as an abscessed tooth, or periodontal disease.

Drooling can be caused by motion sickness, nausea, and indigestion and vomiting. Tumors and infections can be a reason to look at as being a cause. Excessive drooling will be present in dogs that have severe health conditions such as, rabies, distemper or stroke.

Excessive drooling in dogs can be present in certain situations causing the dog fear, and anxiety. The dog can also be happy and joyous in seeing their owner or a special treat that causes excessive drooling.

Dog owners who have a healthy dog, that does not usually drool excessively, should examine the dog and seek a doctor’s immediate consult. Time is of the essence if the dog has ingested a poison or swallowed a foreign object.

Dogs who have had a surgical procedure done and have had anesthesia administered may drool excessively for a time.

Injured dogs, due to any number of reasons, such as a dog fight or car accident and sustained head, mouth and neck injuries may present excessive drooling.

In Conclusion

Dog owners who own a dog where excessive drooling is not standard need to seek immediate medical consult. Dog owners who own a dog breed who normally drools excessively need to be aware of other signs and symptoms of health concerns. Immediate medical attention should be sought.

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