Dogs and Jerky Treat Sickness

Jerky Treat Sickness

Jerky Treat Sickness

What do you feed your pet for being a good companion? Whether you own a dog or a cat, you must now more than ever be careful and aware of an ongoing string of pet deaths and illnesses linked to “Jerky Treat Sickness”. Sources such as the FDA have stated that a number of brands of Jerky Treats imported from China are likely linked to causing the death of over 580, and the illness of over 3600 dogs and cats since 2007. Fact is the Canine species has been hit the hardest by this outbreak, with only 10 of the cases being confirmed in cats. While I have been fortunate enough to not have a pet fall ill to this sickness, many families have not been so lucky. With 580 of the 3600 cases ending in pet fatality, the mortality rate of this illness is a staggering 1 in 6. If that were a sickness affecting humans the CDC would be having a fit! In my opinion, the best way to be safe is to stay away from these types of treats completely until this mystery is solved. That being said, if you are still feeding your dog or cat these types of treats, here are some of the brands that have been reported to be linked with this sickness.

  • Nestle’s Purina Waggin train
  • Del Monte Milo’s Kitchen

Chicken, Duck, Sweet Potoato, and Dried Fruit flavors

In the event you are feeding your pooch these treats, and are concerned about the possibility of them falling ill, here are some of the known symptoms to look for.

  • Decrased Apeetite and lethargy
  • Increased water consumption
  • Increased Urination
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

The effects of the apparent poisoning range from moderate to severe. According to the FDA 60 percent of cases will suffer from gastrointestinal disturbances (Vomiting, Diarrhea, Gastrointestinal Bleeding), and about 30 percent will suffer from serious kidney failure and urinary issues.

Be aware that the key to your pet getting through this or any medical issue is to make sure that they have veterinary attention promptly. If you feel like your pet is experiencing symptoms consistent with the outbreak related to Jerky Treats, it is important that you take the treats along to your vet so they can look deeper into what may be causing this issue. The FDA has been testing treats since 2011, searching for a cause, but they are yet to pinpoint the reason behind this illness, only that it is related to these specific treats. For more information on this outbreak, you can visit the FDA Fact Sheet.

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