Veterinary Issues For Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers are beautiful animals. They have a passion for water and make wonderful pets but there are also special Veterinary issues to expect from Labrador Retrievers.  Health problems owners must address.

The Labrador is affected by a list of maladies with aging, hypothyroidism, arthritis, laryngeal paralysis, dysfunction syndrome, cancer, hearing loss, cognitive dysfunction, loss of vision and diabetes. These are not problems owners look forward to but many if treated early can be helped. Once the Lab reaches, the age of seven, health problems may become more prominent. Your animal may begin to lag when moving or flinch at your touch from joint pain. These are symptoms of arthritis and your dog may not feel like jumping or getting up as readily. Arthritis can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs but some drugs can be harmful.

Vision problems can be physically managed without any medical aid. This problem is one of the most noticeable. Your dog, with care can manage this disability using other keen senses, smelling and hearing. Hearing loss in dogs is another problem but as with sight, this is manageable. Dogs like people can use hearing devices.

Laryngeal Paralysis is a normal health problem with the Labrador Retriever. This has to be diagnosed by a Vet but if your dog coughs, faints or appear to have any problems with the throat area see a Vet immediately. It is painful to see a pet ill but there are a few things an owner can do to help throat paralysis. Keep your dog cool; avoid placing pressure on the throat. Try not to place your do in a position where he barks a great deal. Stress is not good for the Labrador.

A healthy Lab is affectionate and a great companion. Many of health issues are associated with older dogs. With the right diet, your dog can stay healthy longer and some of the health problems may be less prominent. They love activity so you always have an exercise pal. A few obedience lessons and a little prep to your home might also be a part of owning a Labrador Retriever. They are very active and might try to find things to chew on.








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