Toy Poodle Puppies As Pets

When you think of a toy poodle, you often think of a cute little purse-sized pooch with the pop-poms on its head. Toy poodles are a smaller version of the standard poodle. These fluffy pooches make good companions because they are intelligent, adaptable and ideal for cramped living spaces. While you may choose a toy poodle puppy for a pet because its adorable, small and full of spunk, there is more to this pooch than meets the eye.

A Fragile, Colorful and High Maintenance Breed

Toy poodle puppies are fragile and can weigh less than a pound at birth. During adulthood, this canine will top out at between 6 and 9 pounds. The coat of this breed can be apricot, black, white or silver. The coat of the toy poodle does not shed, so this breed is ideal for people with allergies. However, because of the shed-free mane, mats and tangles can become a problem if the dog isn’t groomed every four to six weeks.

Letting the hair turn into a matted mess can lead to sores, rashes and other skin problem. Grooming a toy poodle is not cheap. Depending on the area and the groomer, you could spend anywhere from $40 to $100 per grooming session. A cheaper alternative is to learn how to groom your pooch yourself.

Toy poodle puppies are alert and sensitive and they want to fit in with the rest of the family. They can be territorial and suspicious of strangers. Toy poodle puppies are tiny and they have fragile bones, so they do not make the best pets for small children. Kids need to be at an age or maturity level where they can recognize the importance of handling the dog gently.

Poodles need regular vet care to ensure they stay as healthy as possible. Vets can detect health conditions, heart worms and other issues before they get out of hand. In addition, your vet can administer vaccinations for rabies and parvo to help protect your dog.

Overall, toy poodles are a healthy breed. However, they are prone to hip problems, blindness, skin conditions, heart problems and watery eyes. If your poodle is cared for properly, it can give you up to 15 years of loyal companionship.

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