Training Your Jack Russell Puppy

Jack Russell Terriers (JRTs) are energetic companions that make an excellent addition to most households. Both bold and intelligent, JRTs require discipline from an early age to combat behavioral problems and overcome their short attention spans. Like most puppies, Jack Russells have special needs that should be addressed before bringing your new dog home. Review these essential training tips to ensure that your JRT pup is raised to be happy and well-adjusted with his new family.


Jack Russell puppies should be trained at an early age, as these commands often follow them through life. However, it’s important not to begin training until the puppy is at least eight weeks old. Pet owners can encourage even temperament by promoting positive reinforcement during training. As a pet owner, you should act as head of household and take on the role of “lead dog.”


Many pet owners fail when it comes to proper socialization of their pets. Dogs that are allowed to socialize with other people and animals from an early age tend to be less aggressive when “new” people are around. Socializing can begin with family members and friends and gradually transition to dog parks where your JRT pup can be introduced to human strangers and other dogs.


Jack Russell Terriers are born hunting dogs. While they may have a bad rep for being overly rambunctious, all they really want is a job to do. Some pups relieve boredom by digging in the dirt or ripping up furniture. Teaching your Jack Russell that these behaviors are unacceptable and providing more suitable activities can stop your JRT from becoming a nuisance. Try fetch, tug-of-war or give your pooch a chew toy.


Consistency is a key factor when training your Jack Russell Terrier. Avoid changing your reward and punishment techniques, especially when in a new environment. Much like children, pets respond best to a constant environment where they are comfortable. No matter the circumstances, it’s important to always reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior. Use your voice as a tool to teach your puppy to listen and obey.


Since Jack Russells tend to be very active canines, they require plenty of exercise on a daily basis. Many pet owners notice a direct correlation between a lack of exercise in their JRT and behavioral problems. For the best training results, Jack Russells should be provided with a large, fenced-in yard with plenty of running room. They should also be taken for daily walks and encouraged to participate in dog-friendly games.


Puppies should be taught manners, especially in the bedroom. If you allow your pet to sleep in your bed, ensure that he knows you’re in charge. Puppies that snap or growl are displaying dominant behavior. It’s vital that your canine companion knows that you are the dominant member of the household. If you fail to take on this role, your terrier may attempt to assert itself as head of household which only leads to more problems.

Smart and strong-willed, Jack Russell Terriers are a breed all their own. With proper training and a passionate owner, JRTs can grow to be excellent family dogs.

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