Pomeranian Puppies

So, you’re thinking a Pomeranian might be the right dog for you? You might be right, but before you choose a breed, it’s important to research the dog’s characteristics to be sure you are making the best decision! Let’s take a closer look at Pomeranian puppies.

Believe it or not, the tiny Pomeranian was originally bred from much larger sleigh dogs. When the breed first began, Pomeranians tended to weigh between 20 and 30 pounds–a far cry from the 3 to 7 pound dogs of today! Their small size (they only grow to be 7-12 inches tall) and unique, fluffy appearance makes them popular pets. Queen Victoria herself was especially fond of Pomeranians!

The Pomeranian may be a little dog, but it’s a smart animal with a big personality. Pomeranians are outgoing and inquisitive. They love to meet new people and dog friends, but they may sometimes forget how small they are, so make sure not to let your pup challenge a bigger dog. It’s important that you socialize your Pomeranian puppy, so that he will grow up to be a calm, friendly, and well-trained dog. Pomeranians’ alert personalities also make them good watchdogs, and they will bark at just about anything. You may wish to teach them a command to stop barking, so that those watchdog abilities don’t kick in when you’d prefer quiet! When raised properly, Pomeranians make great pets who get along well with just about everyone. However, just as Pomeranians need protection from larger dogs, they do better in a home with older children who can be taught how to handle them, so they won’t accidently hurt the pup’s small frame.

Pomeranians are typically healthy, but as with any breed, they may have a tendency towards certain issues. Some problems that may affect this breed include allergies, epilepsy, eye problems, hip dysplasia, legg-perthes disease, palletar luxation, and collapsed trachea, and dental problems. Remember, these are just diseases more common in this breed–it doesn’t mean your dog will necessarily develop one of these conditions. However, in order to keep your puppy in tip-top shape, it’s essential to provide proper care, exercise, and nutrition.

Pomeranians are moderately active and will play a lot in doors, and therefore do well as apartment dogs. To keep your dog fit, make sure he gets several short walks or play times each day (the vivacious Pomeranian loves to play!) Though they can enjoy longer walks, take care to remember that their small size means they can easily become overheated, which can be dangerous. Pomeranians love to learn new tricks, and respond well to training with treats, praise, or play. Nothing will hold their attention for too long, so don’t schedule lengthy training sessions!

Different dogs eat more or less, and Pomeranians on average need between 1/4 and 1/2 a cup of food, split between a morning and evening meal. As you get to know your dog, you’ll get a better idea of his eating habits, and how much food he needs to stay at a healthy weight.

Pomeranian’s unique coats really make them stand out. They have a thick, puffy, double coat, with a soft fluffy under-layer and a shiny, straighter top layer. Their tails are plumed, and fan out from their backs. Pomeranians come in a huge variety of color combinations, from black to copper and everything in between. Despite their large coat, they shed only moderately, and you can minimize shedding by brushing and combing them each week. You can bathe your pup as desired with gentle dog cleansers, but most essential is dental hygiene. Brush their teeth daily if possible, and at least once each week. You should also remember that if you can hear your dog’s nails tapping as he walks, it’s time for a trim.

All in all, the perky Pomeranian makes a wonderful pet, and if you have the kind of home where you think he can stay safe and healthy, he’s bound to become a well-loved member of your family!

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