Yellow Labrador Retriever

For active families searching for the perfect dog breed to add to their home, look no further than the yellow Labrador Retriever. This breed originally hails from Newfoundland and Canada. It has a water resistant coat, making it a perfect choice for those who love the outdoors, fishing, and/or bird hunting. Unfortunately, labs do not make very good guard dogs as their friendly nature often causes them to greet just about anyone with a tail wag, friendly bark, and great excitement.

The yellow Labrador Retriever is a great option for families due to its high level of energy and large size. They are very loyal and loving, which is why they are often used as service dogs for those with special needs. This breed is also great with kids, especially elementary school aged and older. Smaller children often shy away from Labs at first meeting, not due to aggression but more to the tendency for them to be knocked over by excited paws and a wagging tail.

Yellow Labs have a great amount of energy. They usually need a good sized yard to run, but can be kept in apartments if the owners provide long walks multiple times a day. These are dogs that need exercise and play on a regular basis, or they could turn to destructive behaviors such as chewing. If you have a pool (or even a large water bowl!) do not be surprised to find your pet playing or swimming. Labrador Retrievers love water!

This is a smart breed that can be trained to handle a wide variety of different tasks and tricks. However, if their energy and wit is left ignored, they can become destructive out of sheer boredom.

One of the only downsides to the yellow Labrador Retriever is the health problems this breed sometimes faces. Hip dysplasia, hot spots, skin problems, ear infections, and cataracts are all common ailments faced as the pet ages. These are often common of most domestic dog breeds anyway, which makes the yellow Labrador Retriever fairly healthy overall with few serious conditions related to their breed.

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