Loved One | The Search for Titan

Loved One

Josh Wood, a long time friend of Greenfield Puppies, knows just what it’s like to search for a missing loved one.

Last week his 5 month old pit bull puppy Titan was stolen from his backyard while him and his wife were at work. On beautiful days, they leave the puppy outside to enjoy the wonderful weather and on his lunch break Josh comes home to check on Titan and feed the playful pup. On this day however, Titan

was not there. Josh looked inside the home, thinking his wife might have put the puppy in doors, fearing rain, but the puppy was not there either. Just a few days later a note was left on Josh’s front door with $100 cash inside. The note read: “We found your dog. We had to take him to the vet and we spent $282. We are attached to him already and my children are in love with him
The Wood family is just waiting for that one breakthrough to come, when he can finally tell his 3 year old son that Titan is coming home where he belongs. The Puppy sleeps in bed with us. We were going to return him but we are so in love with him we can’t.” After calling veterinarians in the area to see if they had treated any pit bull puppies in the last few days with no luck, the Manheim Township police department is now treating this case as theft. The police believe that whoever took Titan left the note as a distraction or to try and make the Wood family feel better. But the only way they will be feeling better is when Titan is safely returned.

Greenfield Puppies has matched the $500 reward Josh was offering for the return of Titan with another $500 reward, totaling a $1000 reward for the missing pup. Titan is a blue pit bull with a white stomach and a white patch of fur on his right paw. He weighs approximately 40 pounds. If you know anything about what happened, contact Josh Wood at (717) 989-3060.

Please join Greenfield Puppies in our efforts to reunite a family torn apart.


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