Introducing your New Puppy to your Old Dog

Welcome back to Greenfield Puppies Dog Blog, we appreciate you visiting us. Today I want to talk about introducing a new puppy into a home with an existing Alpha Dog. If you own a dog and are considering getting another one, then you must remain aware of the situations that may arise when bringing a new pet into the pack. I hope this is helpful.

When you first arrive at home, give the new dog some time to sniff around the outside of the house, it will help it get acclimated.If at all possible, I would put the new puppy in a spacious crate to allow the other dog to see and sniff it, but still giving the puppy some personal space. After a period of about 15 minutes, I would put the other dog away, and then let the puppy explore inside. try not to favor the new dog too much, we don’t want to create a jealous aggression. Give them time around each other in moderation for the first few days, always watching for signs of aggression.

A sign of aggression may represent an Alpha mentality in your existing dog. Alpha personalities insist on being the leader in all situations, and sometimes it can lead to aggression. Here’s the challenge. You can’t be sure ahead of time whether any new dog you bring into the house is an alpha personality or not, but a puppy will adapt to the current pack mentality and generally find its own place in the pecking order.

To introduce a new puppy to an existing Alpha dog, first remove all of the Alpha’s toys, dishes, etc. so there’s nothing it needs to guard. Then, hold the puppy and let your dog do some investigating, this way you can quickly pull the puppy back if your dog shows aggression. Also, firmly say “NO” at your dog if it acts inappropriately. After all, you are the real Alpha in this pack. You will need to make the introduction in supervised stages, gradually giving both animals more time together. You should feed them in different areas to avoid a potential problems, and to make sure the existing dog doesn’t take all the puppie’s food. For the puppie’s sake, it is okay to treat all dog introductions as an Alpha, but that is your decision. Chances are your dog will come to love the puppy as its own, and the two will form a friendship.

You can view our puppies for sale here, and thanks for stopping by!

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